Arrival announcements will be on your mind at some point, as informing your loved ones about your baby’s birth is an exciting aspect of the journey. Because it’s such a happy occasion, new parents must first understand that their loved ones should be flexible on this front — after all, your new parents with a lot on your plates. However, there is something to be said for proper birth announcement etiquette, so we’re here to tell you when to send yours.
Up To One Week After The Birth
Whoa. Take our word for it: if you submit your birth announcements within this deadline, you’re on top of things. This could mean that you started your search early and located the right birth announcement weeks or months ahead of time, allowing you to fill in the facts — height, weight, date of birth, images, and so on — and send the announcements out nearly immediately after the baby was born.
2 Weeks To 1 Month After Delivery
You’re still doing a fantastic job staying on top of things if you’re mailing your birth announcements within this timeframe. Maybe you couldn’t locate the perfect birth announcement before the baby was born, but the time you’ve had since then has allowed you to find the style that reflects exactly what you want to say.
1–2 Months After Giving Birth
You’re perfectly on schedule if you send your birth announcement cards during this timeframe! In many people’s perspectives, you’re still ahead of schedule. You’ve given yourself enough time after the birth to find the announcement you want, as well as the addresses and email addresses where you’ll need them to arrive.
3–6 Months After Giving Birth
Although three to six months is a large time span, stick to this rule: the closer you get to three months, the better. If you’re approaching the six-month mark, keep in mind that things happen. You’re also a first-time parent. You’ve got a lot on your plate, and you’re adjusting to it. However, the most common response you’ll get when asked when you should send out your birth announcements is “within six months.” If you’re reaching the six-month mark, you might want to consider pressing the gas pedal a little harder.
6+ Months After The Birth
So, the six-month mark has passed us by. It’s not a huge deal. You haven’t done anything wrong so that you won’t be punished. However, as time passes, your birth announcement such as baby boy announcement cards may take on a new shape to reflect the passage of time. For example, perhaps the birth announcement uses an illustration rather than images of the newborn. Alternatively, perhaps your baby’s birth announcement includes many images that show how much they have grown already. Regardless of which path you take, it’s probably advisable to acknowledge the passage of time rather than act as if your baby was born yesterday.